News → Shaquille O'Neal says he heard Kobe Bryant is making a comeback: 'You heard it here first' → 2018 - El Crossover de La NBA

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News → Shaquille O'Neal says he heard Kobe Bryant is making a comeback: 'You heard it here first' → 2018

News → Shaquille O'Neal says he heard Kobe Bryant is making a comeback: 'You heard it here first' → 2018

You can rely on Shaquille O'Neal for throwing shade at Charles Barkley, but can you rely on him for NBA news? That's the question after the big man told TMZ this weekend that a certain former teammate of his might be making a comeback.

Approached at an L.A. charity basketball game, O'Neal was asked if he'd consider returning to the court at age 46 to team up with LeBron James now that No. 23 is with the Lakers. After an emphatic "no, I'm done," he turned to the camera with this: "Kobe coming back, I heard. Kobe coming back, I heard he was. You heard it here first."
Something tells us Shaq might be messing with everybody on this one. Kobe Bryant, who played with O'Neal from 1996-2004, may still be a beloved figure in L.A., but he's 39 now and hasn't played in the NBA since retiring in 2016. He also played in just 107 total games over his final three seasons, and it's not as if he isn't enjoying his post-basketball dive into Los Angeles' entertainment scene.